All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* Upgrade to ruby 2.7.5 and Debian 11 ([5055d1b](
* update rails to fix vulnerability in ActionPack ([43b2ec6](
* updated nexus CQRS gems to include new handler format
### Features
* updated nexus CQRS gems to include new handler format ([d627abb](
* updated rspec to latest version, along with mailchecker and ddtrace ([c11346e](
* updated addressable and various other gems ([0e6ac62](
* update puma due to security issue ([636a342](
* updated for API dependancies and rails 6.1 ([af363f1](
* added new updated versions for API ([6dc5a2d](
* fix major dependencies to specific version ([065a06f](