"src/Query/git@gitlab.nexdev.uk:pub/elasticsearch-dsl.git" did not exist on "2e2d7eface70c4a8ca35553ef5d0bf3ffa2adffc"
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'datadog/statsd'
require 'ddtrace'
module NexusSemanticLogger
class DatadogTracer
def initialize(service)
Datadog.configure do |c|
if ENV['DD_AGENT_HOST'].present?
# To enable runtime metrics collection, set `true`. Defaults to `false`
# You can also set DD_RUNTIME_METRICS_ENABLED=true to configure this.
c.runtime_metrics.enabled = true
# Configure DogStatsD instance for sending runtime metrics.
# By default, runtime metrics from the application are sent to the Datadog Agent with DogStatsD on port 8125.
datadog_statsd_socket_path = ENV.fetch('DD_STATSD_SOCKET_PATH') { '' }
if datadog_statsd_socket_path.to_s.strip.empty?
datadog_singleton.statsd = Datadog::Statsd.new(ENV['DD_AGENT_HOST'], 8125)
datadog_singleton.statsd = Datadog::Statsd.new(socket_path: datadog_statsd_socket_path)
c.runtime_metrics.statsd = datadog_singleton.statsd
# Configure tags to be sent on all traces and metrics.
# Note that 'env' is NOT sent- that is set as the default on the agent e.g. staging, canary, production.
# It does not necessarily align with the Rails env, and we do not want to double tag the env.
datadog_singleton.global_tags = ["railsenv:#{Rails.env}", "service:#{service}"]
c.tags = datadog_singleton.global_tags
# Tracer requires configuration to a datadog agent via DD_AGENT_HOST.
dd_force_tracer_val = ENV.fetch('DD_FORCE_TRACER', false)
dd_force_tracer = dd_force_tracer_val.present? && dd_force_tracer_val.to_s == 'true'
dd_tracer_enabled = Rails.env.production? || dd_force_tracer
c.tracer(enabled: dd_tracer_enabled)
# Profiling is also provided by ddtrace, we synchronise their feature toggles.
c.profiling.enabled = dd_tracer_enabled
# If there is no DD_AGENT_HOST then ensure features are disabled.
c.runtime_metrics.enabled = false
c.tracer(enabled: false)
c.profiling.enabled = false