Simonas Šerlinskas authored
from now, if there is only one query set, there will be no more generated bool query. Also Query class from now on is absolutely not necessary. There is no BC breaks.
Simonas Šerlinskas authoredfrom now, if there is only one query set, there will be no more generated bool query. Also Query class from now on is absolutely not necessary. There is no BC breaks.
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Search.php 13.08 KiB
* This file is part of the ONGR package.
* (c) NFQ Technologies UAB <info@nfq.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Aggregation\AbstractAggregation;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Bool\Bool;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Filter\PostFilter;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Highlight\Highlight;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Query\FilteredQuery;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Query\Query;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Query\QueryAwareTrait;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Sort\AbstractSort;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Sort\Sorts;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\DSL\Suggester\AbstractSuggester;
* Search object that can be executed by a manager.
class Search
use QueryAwareTrait;
const SCROLL_DURATION = '5m';
* @var array
private $boolQueryParams;
* @var BuilderInterface
private $filters;
* @var BuilderInterface Filters collection.
private $postFilters;
* @var array
private $boolFilterParams;
* @var int
private $size;
* @var int
private $from;
* @var Sorts
private $sorts;
* @var string|null
private $scrollDuration;
* @var array|bool|string
private $source;
* @var array
private $fields;
* @var array
private $scriptFields;
* @var NamedBuilderBag
private $suggesters;
* @var Highlight
private $highlight;
* @var string
private $searchType;
* @var bool
private $explain;
* @var array
private $stats;
* @var NamedBuilderBag
private $aggregations;
* @var string[]
private $preference;
* @var float
private $minScore;
* @return float
public function getMinScore()
return $this->minScore;
* Set min score.
* @param float $minScore
* @return $this
public function setMinScore($minScore)
$this->minScore = $minScore;
return $this;
* Set offset.
* @param int $from
* @return $this
public function setFrom($from)
$this->from = $from;
return $this;
* Set maximum number of results.
* @param int $size
* @return $this
public function setSize($size)
$this->size = $size;
return $this;
* Add sort.
* @param AbstractSort $sort
* @return $this
public function addSort($sort)
if ($this->sorts === null) {
$this->sorts = new Sorts();
return $this;
* Set source.
* @param array|bool|string $source
* @return $this
public function setSource($source)
$this->source = $source;
return $this;
* Set fields.
* @param array $fields
* @return $this
public function setFields(array $fields)
$this->fields = $fields;
return $this;
* Set script fields.
* @param array $scriptFields
* @return $this
public function setScriptFields($scriptFields)
$this->scriptFields = $scriptFields;
return $this;
* @param BuilderInterface $postFilter Post filter.
* @param string $boolType Possible boolType values:
* - must
* - must_not
* - should.
* @return $this
public function addPostFilter(BuilderInterface $postFilter, $boolType = 'must')
if ($this->postFilters === null) {
$this->postFilters = new Bool();
$this->postFilters->addToBool($postFilter, $boolType);
return $this;
* Sets highlight.
* @param Highlight $highlight
* @return $this
public function setHighlight($highlight)
$this->highlight = $highlight;
return $this;
* Set search type.
* @param string $searchType
* @return $this
public function setSearchType($searchType)
$this->searchType = $searchType;
return $this;
* Set explain.
* @param bool $explain
* @return $this
public function setExplain($explain)
$this->explain = $explain;
return $this;
* Set stats.
* @param array $stats
* @return $this
public function setStats($stats)
$this->stats = $stats;
return $this;
* Setter for scroll duration, effectively setting if search is scrolled or not.
* @param string|null $duration
* @return Search
public function setScroll($duration = self::SCROLL_DURATION)
$this->scrollDuration = $duration;
return $this;
* Setter for preference.
* Controls which shard replicas to execute the search request on.
* @param mixed $preferenceParams Possible values:
* _primary
* _primary_first
* _local
* _only_node:xyz (xyz - node id)
* _prefer_node:xyz (xyz - node id)
* _shards:2,3 (2 and 3 specified shards)
* custom value
* string[] combination of params.
* @return Search $this
public function setPreference($preferenceParams)
if (is_string($preferenceParams)) {
$this->preference[] = $preferenceParams;
if (is_array($preferenceParams) && !empty($preferenceParams)) {
$this->preference = $preferenceParams;
return $this;
* Returns preference params as string.
* @return string
protected function getPreference()
return implode(';', $this->preference);
* Returns scroll duration.
* @return null|string
public function getScroll()
return $this->scrollDuration;
* @param AbstractAggregation $agg
* @return $this
public function addAggregation($agg)
if ($this->aggregations === null) {
$this->aggregations = new NamedBuilderBag();
return $this;
* @param BuilderInterface $filter Filter.
* @param string $boolType Possible boolType values:
* - must
* - must_not
* - should.
* @return $this
public function addFilter(BuilderInterface $filter, $boolType = 'must')
if ($this->filters === null) {
$this->filters = new Bool();
$this->filters->addToBool($filter, $boolType);
return $this;
* @param array $params Possible values:
* _cache => true
* false.
public function setBoolFilterParameters($params)
$this->boolFilterParams = $params;
* @param AbstractSuggester $suggester
* @return Search
public function addSuggester(AbstractSuggester $suggester)
if ($this->suggesters === null) {
$this->suggesters = new NamedBuilderBag();
return $this;
* Returns query url parameters.
* @return array
public function getQueryParams()
$array = [];
if ($this->scrollDuration !== null) {
$array['scroll'] = $this->scrollDuration;
if ($this->searchType !== null) {
$array['search_type'] = $this->searchType;
if ($this->preference !== null) {
$array['preference'] = $this->getPreference();
return $array;
* @return NamedBuilderBag
public function getAggregations()
return $this->aggregations;
* @return array
public function getBoolFilterParameters()
return $this->boolFilterParams;
* @return array
public function getBoolQueryParameters()
return $this->boolQueryParams;
* @return bool
public function isExplain()
return $this->explain;
* @return array
public function getFields()
return $this->fields;
* @return BuilderInterface[]
public function getFilters()
return $this->filters;
* @return int
public function getFrom()
return $this->from;
* @return Highlight
public function getHighlight()
return $this->highlight;
* @return BuilderInterface
public function getPostFilters()
return $this->postFilters;
* @return array
public function getScriptFields()
return $this->scriptFields;
* @return null|string
public function getScrollDuration()
return $this->scrollDuration;
* @return string
public function getSearchType()
return $this->searchType;
* @return int
public function getSize()
return $this->size;
* @return Sorts
public function getSorts()
return $this->sorts;
* @return array|bool|string
public function getSource()
return $this->source;
* @return array
public function getStats()
return $this->stats;
* @return NamedBuilderBag
public function getSuggesters()
return $this->suggesters;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function toArray()
* First we check if there are some filter to add to filtered query.
* For now we use match all, but its gonna be changed.
if ($this->filters !== null) {
$filteredQuery = new FilteredQuery();
$output = $this->processQueries();
if ($this->postFilters !== null) {
$postFilter = new PostFilter();
$output[$postFilter->getType()] = $postFilter->toArray();
if ($this->highlight !== null) {
$output['highlight'] = $this->highlight->toArray();
$params = [
'from' => 'from',
'size' => 'size',
'fields' => 'fields',
'scriptFields' => 'script_fields',
'explain' => 'explain',
'stats' => 'stats',
'minScore' => 'min_score',
foreach ($params as $field => $param) {
if ($this->$field !== null) {
$output[$param] = $this->$field;
if ($this->sorts && $this->sorts->isRelevant()) {
$output[$this->sorts->getType()] = $this->sorts->toArray();
if ($this->source !== null) {
$output['_source'] = $this->source;
if ($this->aggregations !== null) {
$aggregationsOutput = [];
foreach ($this->aggregations->all() as $aggregation) {
$aggregationsOutput = array_merge($aggregationsOutput, $aggregation->toArray());
if (!empty($aggregationsOutput)) {
$output['aggregations'] = $aggregationsOutput;
if ($this->suggesters !== null) {
$suggestersOutput = [];
foreach ($this->suggesters->all() as $suggester) {
$suggestersOutput = array_merge($suggestersOutput, $suggester->toArray());
if (!empty($suggestersOutput)) {
$output['suggest'] = $suggestersOutput;
return $output;