Mantas Marcinkevičius authored
* updated the readme * copied the release info to changelog * updated the how to section on filters * updated the regexp queery docs: changed filter to query
Mantas Marcinkevičius authored* updated the readme * copied the release info to changelog * updated the how to section on filters * updated the regexp queery docs: changed filter to query
How to search with Elasticsearch DSL
In this chapter we will take a look how to perform a search via objective way with Elasticsearch DSL. Well, the good news is that is very simple. That's why we created this library ;).
To start a search you have to create a Search
$search = new Search();
We won't include namespaces in any examples. Don't worry all class's names are unique, so any IDE editor should autocomplete and include it for you ;).
So, when we have a Search
object we can start adding something to it. Usually you will add Query
and Aggregation
More info how create queries and aggregations objects.
Form a Query
Lets take a simple query example with MatchAllQuery
$matchAllQuery = new MatchAllQuery();
To add query to the Search
simply call addQuery
At the end it will form this query:
"query": {
"match_all": {}
There is no limits to add queries or filters or anything.
Form a Filter
Since Elasticsearch 5.0 the support for top level filters was dropped. The same functionality
is now supported via BoolQuery
. Adding a filter to the bool query is done like so:
$search = new Search();
$boolQuery = new BoolQuery();
$boolQuery->add(new MatchAllQuery());
$geoQuery = new TermQuery('field', 'value');
$boolQuery->add($geoQuery, BoolQuery::FILTER);
This will result in
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"filter": [
"term": {
"field": "value"
Multiple queries and filters
As you know there is possible to use multiple filters and queries in elasticsearch. No problem, if you have several filters just add it to the search. ElasticsearchDSL
will form a Bool
query or filter for you when you add more than one.
Lets take an example with Query
$search = new Search();
$termQueryForTag1 = new TermQuery("tag", "wow");
$termQueryForTag2 = new TermQuery("tag", "elasticsearch");
$termQueryForTag3 = new TermQuery("tag", "dsl");
$search->addQuery($termQueryForTag3, BoolQuery::SHOULD);
The query will look like:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": { "tag": "wow" }
"term": { "tag": "elasticsearch" }
"should": [
"term": { "tag": "dsl" }
More info how to form bool queries find in Bool Query chapter.
Modify queries
Sent request to the elasticsearch
And finally we can pass it to elasticsearch-php
client. To generate an array for the client we call toArray()
//from elasticsearch/elasticsearch package
$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();
$searchParams = [
'index' => 'people',
'type' => 'person',
'body' => $search->toArray(),
$docs = $client->search($searchParams);
This example is for elasticsearch/elasticsearch ~5.0 version.