# nexus_semantic_logger Configures a [semantic_logger](https://rubygems.org/gems/rails_semantic_logger) as required for NexusMods components. # Local gem development Steps to run this gem from local sources in one the nexus 'staged build' rails components: ## Copy gem sources to component ``` cd ~/legacy/users cp -r ../nexus_semantic_logger . ``` ## Adjust component Dockerfile to include gem sources Within stage 1, append a COPY after the Gemfile copy: ``` COPY --chown=nexus:nexus Gemfile* ./ COPY --chown=nexus:nexus nexus_semantic_logger/ ./nexus_semantic_logger/ ``` Within stage 2, append a COPY after the bundle copy: ``` COPY --from=stage1 /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle COPY --from=stage1 /app/nexus_semantic_logger/ /app/nexus_semantic_logger/ ``` ## Adjust Gemfile to use local path ``` gem 'nexus_semantic_logger', :path => "/app/nexus_semantic_logger"