
 * This file is part of the ONGR package.
 * (c) NFQ Technologies UAB <info@nfq.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\Tests\Unit\DSL;

use ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\NamedBuilderBag;
use ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\NamedBuilderInterface;

class NamedBuilderBagTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * Tests if bag knows if he has a builder.
    public function testHas()
        $bag = new NamedBuilderBag(

     * Tests if bag can remove a builder.
    public function testRemove()
        $bag = new NamedBuilderBag(


        $this->assertFalse($bag->has('foo'), 'Foo builder should not exist anymore.');
        $this->assertTrue($bag->has('baz'), 'Baz builder should exist.');

     * Tests if bag can clear it's builders.
    public function testClear()
        $bag = new NamedBuilderBag(



     * Tests if bag can get a builder.
    public function testGet()
        $bag = new NamedBuilderBag(


     * Returns builder.
     * @param string $name
     * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|NamedBuilderInterface
    private function getBuilder($name)
        $friendlyBuilderMock = $this->getMock('ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\NamedBuilderInterface');



        return $friendlyBuilderMock;