# Common terms query > More info about Common terms query is in the [official elasticsearch docs][1] There are so many use cases with `Common Terms` query. We highly recommend to take a look at the [official docs][1] before continuing. Lets take first example to write easy `Common query` with Elasticsearch DSL. ```JSON { "common": { "name": { "query": "this is bonsai cool", "cutoff_frequency": 0.001, "minimum_should_match": { "low_freq" : 2, "high_freq" : 3 } } } } ``` And now the query via DSL: ```php $commonTermsQuery = new CommonTermsQuery( "field_name", "this is bonsai cool", [ "cutoff_frequency" => 0.001, "minimum_should_match" => [ "low_freq" => 2, "high_freq" => 3, ], ] ); $search = new Search(); $search->addQuery($commonTermsQuery); $queryArray = $search->toArray(); ``` [1]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-common-terms-query.html